Wheeler Weed Warriors (3WP) Cost-Share Program

For questions or technical assistance on the application, contact
Kristen Neuburger (Licensed Applicator)
Conservation Technician I
Submit completed applications to
(by email, USPS, or drop-off)
Cassi Newton
District Manager
40535 Hwy 19, Fossil, Oregon 97830
The primary purpose of the Wheeler Weed Warrior Program is to provide cost-share assistance to accelerate the attack of invasive noxious weeds in Wheeler County by offsetting costs associated with noxious weed management locally. This program does not replace existing resources utilized by landowners, rather supplements current efforts in achieving mutual goals.
- The 3WP Cost-Share applies only to listed noxious weeds.
- A 5-year Weed Management Plan (WMP) must be approved by Wheeler SWCD BEFORE any treatment and/or releases are made. No applications will be accepted or claim sheets processed if herbicide treatment and/or biological agent releases have been made before a WMP has been approved by Wheeler SWCD. Cost of Weed Management Plan waived for awarded cost-share applicants.
- Cost-Share reimbursement up to 50%. There is an annual maximum payment of $250 per landowner owning up to 25 acres; and $500 per landowner owning 25-320 acres.
- The 3WP Cost-Share Program only covers the cost of herbicides, herbicide surfactants, and biological control agents. It does not cover the cost of herbicide additives (i.e. dyes, etc.), equipment rentals, contracted application costs, mowing, grazing treatments, or the use of soil sterilants or non-selective herbicides such as Roundup (Glyphosate) or organic herbicides.
- You must be an owner of taxable land within Wheeler County boundaries, and 3WP Cost-Share funds must be used within the county.
- The funding is be competitive. Level of funding will vary year-to-year depending on the annual budget.
- Landowner owning a total of up to 320 acres of land within Wheeler County. Exceptions may be made if a high priority, Early Detection Rapid Response (EDRR) opportunity is present. Landowners are encouraged to contact the SWCD prior to submitting an application.
- Landowners currently receiving grant funding through Wheeler SWCD are not eligible.
- If 3WP Cost-Share funding has been received in the past three (3) years. Repeat applicants must contact Wheeler SWCD prior to applying.
- Riparian areas or near waterways
- Areas with more than 10 non-invasive trees per acre
- Near harvestable crops or anything intended for human consumption
Complete application in its entirety
- Application Form (required)
- 3WP Bingo Form with corresponding photos of species located (required)
- Photo(s) of project area and/or weed species (optional)
- Map(s) of project area (optional)
- GPS Coordinates of noxious weed infestations (optional)
- Drafted Weed Management Plan (optional)

All noxious weeds on the Wheeler County Noxious Weed List are eligible to be included on a 3WP Cost-Share application. However, funding will be prioritized to applicants with first or second priority weeds present.
First priority weeds for the 3WP Cost-Share are:
- Tree of Heaven (Ailanthus altissima)
- Yellow starthistle (Centaurea solstitalis)
- Rush skeletonweed (Centaurea solstitalis)
- Mediterranean sage (Salvia aethiopis)
Second priority weeds for the 3WP Cost-Share are:
- Russian knapweed (Centaurea repens)
- Diffuse knapweed (Centaurea diffusa)
- Spotted knapweed (Centaurea maculosa)
- Scotch thistle (Onopordum acanthium)
- Canada thistle (Cirsium arvense)
- Leafy spurge (Euphorbia esula)
- Whitetop (Cardaria draba)
- Dalmatian toadflax (Linaria dalmatica)
In addition to weed species, applications will be prioritized by completeness of applications, project location (zone), and inclusion of project area photos, GPS coordinates of infestation(s), project area maps

Wheeler SWCD staff will review applications the week following application deadline. Review will be conducted using the Wheeler Weed Warriors Application Selection Criteria Rubic.

- Wheeler SWCD will conduct a site visit of the project area to obtain monitoring photo points and photos.
- A required 5-year WMP will be written with assistance from Wheeler SWCD. Cost of Weed Management Plan waived for awarded cost-share applicants.
- Wheeler SWCD will provide you with a notice to proceed with treatment application. Treatment(s) must be completed within six (6) months following notice to proceed.
- All voluntary participants in the 3WP Cost-Share who either apply pesticides or own land upon which pesticides are applied under this program will be required to sign a Release of Liability and Waiver of Legal Rights.
- If a landowner requests Wheeler SWCD to conduct the treatment, 3WP funds cannot be used for application costs. A spray report will be provided to the landowner upon completed treatment and a TAR/Claim Form is still required to be submitted.
- If a landowner decides to treat weeds themself, the responsibility to follow label directions lies upon the applicator. For selecting the most effective product you should know: the target weed(s), non-target vegetation, site or crop, correct herbicide rate per acre, equipment calibration, and treatment timing. The limited program dollars will be used in the best manner possible, therefore, ineffective materials, incorrect herbicide rates, use of uncalibrated equipment, improper treatment timing and off label applications will not be cost-shared. NOTE: If misapplication of a chemical or improper release of insect control agents are noted, payment of the Cost-Share Claim will be denied. If the chemical misapplication is deemed to be harmful to the environment or surrounding area, the proper regulatory agency will be notified.
- If a landowner decides to hire a commercial applicator, make sure they are licensed with the Oregon Department of Agriculture and have proper insurance.
- After conducting the herbicide treatment and/or insect control agents, submit a completed Treatment Application Record (TAR) / Claim Form. Include the original or copied receipt(s) for the herbicides and/or insect control agents purchased to control the noxious weeds. The Wheeler SWCD operates on a fiscal year basis from July 1st to June 30th. If the chemicals or biological control agents were purchased at the start of the field season (i.e. March, April, May, June) the claim sheets with receipt(s) must be submitted to the Weed District on or before June 30th or the claim sheet cannot be processed.
- Wheeler SWCD will schedule a site visit to certify completion of the treatment once a completed Treatment Application Record / Claim Form is received.
- Once the treatment has been certified, a Treatment Application Record (TAR) / Claim Form will be required to be submitted with receipts for reimbursement. If a contracted applicator is hired, a spray record must also be included with the receipts.