Project Abstract
Project Location
The project is located in the Shoofly Watershed approximately 15 miles Northeast of the town of Mitchell in Wheeler County.
Project Need
Western Juniper encroachment has increased over the years due to historic wildfire suppression creating both a water quantity and quality issue, as well as a loss of native vegetation resulting in degraded wildlife habitat.
Proposed Project Work
This project seeks to reduce the negative impacts Western Juniper imposes on the watershed functions by hand cutting 85 acres of juniper, and machine cut and pile of 175 acres, 33 of which lay within the floodplain. In addition, the project will protect 3 declining Aspen stands, enroll 28.90 acres of Shoofly Creek into CREP, treat 70 acres for herbaceous weeds, and provide off site stockwater in 3 locations to help distribute grazing patterns.
Project Partners
Project partners include USDA Farm Service Agency, the landowner, Wheeler SWCD, and OWEB.