Resource Concerns
Natural Resource Concerns
Water Quality
- Water temperature exceeds state standards in a number of stream reaches
- Sediment from human activities (roads, irrigation, under-sized culverts, off-road vehicles) has degraded aquatic habitat
- Bacteria source reduction, management and control
Stream flow and hydrology
- Inadequate summer/fall flows in several tributaries
- Loss of floodplains
- Altered upland hydrologic regime
Fish populations and habitat
- Native fish populations have declined compared to historic conditions, prompting ESA listings
- Aquatic habitat (pool area, pool frequency, and gravel availability) is below desirable levels, and large, woody debris channel complexity is reduced compared to historic conditions.
- Fish migration barriers (culverts, dams, diversions) and inadequate fish screens negatively impact fish populations
Riparian conditions
- Inadequate healthy riparian vegetation to protect waterways and moderate solar radiation
- Inadequate large, woody debris recruitment potential to sustain aquatic life
- Reduced habitat and increased flood damage from streams that have been channelized and cut off from historic flood plains
Upland conditions and Other Natural Resource Concerns
- Invasive species including juniper out-competing native and cultivated plants
- Percentage of forest canopy and rangeland cover is low compared to historical levels exacerbating flooding and impacting streams, groundwater recharge, wildlife, and other resources
- Diseased, overstocked forests as a result of suppression of natural wildfire regimes and/or lack of forest management
- Soil erosion and other pollution
- Reduced quality of native and managed plant communities
Operational Resource Concerns
- Adequate staffing to meet natural resource concerns and office functions while not limiting productivity
- Data gaps – fish passage barriers, updated watershed assessment, acquire geo-data
- Incomplete Soil Survey
Fiscal Resource Concerns
- Conservation investments are not a priority for landowners with other, more pressing financial needs
- Some resource concerns (i.e. noxious weeds or upland habitat) have reduced funding due to fisheries-focused watershed restoration priorities
- Reliance on “soft” sources of state funding makes long-term budgeting and planning difficult and leaves the District vulnerable to state budget shortfalls