Project Abstract
Project Location
The project is located along Rock Creek, a steelhead bearing tributary of the John Day River. The site is located on Antone Ranch in Wheeler County, 20 miles east of Mitchell and 10 miles west of Dayville.
Project Need
This section of Rock Creek is nearly devoid of large wood and has highly simplified channel form. It is also the only irrigated field in this section of the ranch with Rock Creek splitting the middle of this small field. Due to this, the project site sees very heavy cattle concentration on the stream as it is the main draw for feed and water.
Proposed Project Work
The project seeks to take a minimalist approach to restoring the natural function of this section of Rock Creek by installing 14 large wood structures, 12 full vertical post structures, and 7 partial vertical post structures. The project will also fence the field and Rock Creek off and enroll it into the CREP program for planting and protection.
Project Partners
The partners on this project are the Wheeler SWCD, the landowner (Alscott Antone Ranch LLC), and the USDA/FSA (CREP)
Completion Report