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Project Abstract 


Project Location 

This project is located on Pine Hollow, a tributary to Rock Creek (which flows into the John Day River at Picture Gorge) located approximately 18 miles E-SE of Mitchell and 15 miles due west of Dayville on a property know as the Antone Ranch. The lower 3.4 miles of Pine Hollow is identified by ODFW as spawing and rearing habitat for steelhead.

Project Need

This project will correct two closely spaced passage barriers near the lower end of Pine Hollow. One is an unscreened diversion that requires annual maintenance and construction of a push up damn to extract the water right. The other barrier is a road crossing with a multi thread channel and two perched culverts. 

Proposed Project Work

The diversion will be corrected through the installation of a stream simulation diversion with a concrete headwall. A fish screen will be installed to prevent entrainment. The existing culverts will be replaced with a pre-fabricated steel bridge. Large woody debris will be added to the project area along with 100 riparian plantings. The area around the diversion and fish screen will be fenced to prevent livestock access. 

Project Partners

The project partners are ODFW, the landowner, and US Fish.

Project Completion Report 


Monitoring Reports
