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Project Abstract


Project Location

1)This project is located in the Thirtymile Watershed, approximately 15 miles Northeast of Fossil, OR in Wheeler County. Thirtymile Creek is one of the three highest priority areas in the Atlas Prioritization ranking (John Day Basin Partnership, 2018).

Project Need

The expansion of western juniper (Juniperus occidentalis), over-stocked forests, limited water availability, invasion of annual grasses, and climate change has degraded the state of the Thirtymile Watershed. Historical wildfire suppression has allowed the encroachment of western juniper into forest stands and grasslands where the species previously did not inhabit. This encroachment impedes aquifer recharge resulting in water quality and quantity issues, as well as degrading wildlife habitat and food source through the loss of native vegetation. As western juniper expands into forest stands and increases canopy cover, resource competition and fuel load that risk catastrophic wildfires also increases. Dense forest stands have higher resource competition as canopy cover restricts healthy mature trees from thriving.

Proposed Project Work

 This project proposes to address the negative impacts western juniper imposes and thin overstocked forest stands to a healthy density to restore multiple functions in the Thirtymile Watershed. The project will also develop one spring and install pasture/crossing fencing to improve water storage capacity and help distribute grazing.

Project Partners

Project partners include OWEB, NRCS, ODF, and the landowner.