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Project Abstract


Project Location

The project is located on Bear Creek a tributary to Bridge Creek in Wheeler County, Oregon.

Project Need 

Many portions of Bear Creek have been channelized, straightened, and confined to valley margins in order to increase the amount of area that is agriculturally viable. In these locations, high-stream power has resulted in a deeply incised stream channel that lacks complexity. this has degraded that habitat quantity and quality of this important spawining tributary for the summer run steelhead in the John Day Basin. Additionally, certain reaches within the project area experience low baseflow and intermittency. 

Proposed Project Work

The proposed work includes: Construction of 20 beaver dam analog (BDA) structures on 600 meters of Bear Creek that dewaters annually. Constuct 25 BDAs on 300 meters of Spring Gulch, a tributary to Bear Creek, with the intent of increasing surface flow duration both in the tributary and in downstream portions of Bear Creek. Install 20 BDAs on 400 meters of Bear Creek to increase the development of inset floodplains and failitate the formation of scour pools and lateral and mid-channel bars.

Project Partners

The proposed restoration actions will be a collaborative effort between Wheeler SWCD, Oregon Watershed Enchancement Board, Confederated Tribes of the Warm Springs, Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife, and the landowner.

Project Completion Report


Monitoring Reports
