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Project Abstract


Project Location

This project is located approximately 6.5 miles south of Fossil, Wheeler County, Oregon; in the Pine Creek - John Day Watershed.

Project Need

 Historic grazing practices and fire suppression has increased Western juniper encroachment. Phase I and II Juniper occupy the hill sides and drainage including north facing slopes feeding into Lone Pine Creek with few remaining native bunch grass stands. Having native communities in the area, it is crucial to remove the Juniper in the proposed project area and enhance native bunch grasses before the Juniper and annual grasses cause a greater negative impact to the ecological function of the watershed. If left untreated, the current native species are at risk of being compromised from competing with Western juniper and invasive annual grasses.

Proposed Project Work

 This project proposes to treat 24 total acres of Western juniper on north facing slopes and priority areas within the Lone Pine Creek drainage. 10 acres will be treated with gas powered chainsaws to fall tress on slopes greater than 20%. 14 acres will be treated by mechanical machinery cut and pile in areas where Juniper is easily accessible and efficient. Juniper slash piles will be burned when left lay long enough to dry out and ensure a clean burn. Within the mechanical Juniper treatment area and extending into historical range land, Rejuvra will be applied to treat annual grasses and weeds. Rejuvra is a pre-emergent herbicide produced by Bayer. It has a three-to-four-year residual life span that prevents annual grass seed from germinating while allowing deep rooted native perennials to re-establish. With the use of this product, there is no need to reseed in the treatment area and the treatment should have lasting effects. All implemented conservation practices will follow NRCS specifications.

Project Partners

Project partners include the landowner, OWEB, and Wheeler SWCD.