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Project Abstract


Project Location

This project is located in the Service Creek-John Day River Watershed just outside the community of Twickenham, about 20 miles southwest of Fossil.

Project Need

Phase I and II Western Juniper occupy this project area where continued fire suppression has allowed the Western Juniper to encroach upon this landowner. The pastures surrounding the encroaching Juniper currently have good stands of bunch grasses, however risk invasion of annual grasses with the loss of water currently being taken by the Juniper. This property also has a spring that has, overtime, slowed production due to the encroaching juniper surrounding it. 

Proposed Project Work

This project proposes to remove 10 acres of Western Juniper by mechanical machinery cut and pile, then seeding to occur where ground is disturbed. Juniper slash piles will be burned when left lay long enough to ensure a clean burn. Additionally, a spring will be re-developed and piped to a 300-gallon water trough, with a wildlife escape ramp. Overflow from the trough will be piped into a nearby drainage. Re-development of this spring will provide drinking water to wildlife that migrate through this property.

Project Partners

Project partners OWEB, NRCS, the landowner, and Wheeler SWCD.