What We Do
The District strives to educate residents within Wheeler County and assist with conservation planning, invasive weeds, native plants, livestock management, grant funding, wildlife, healthy woods, habitat restoration and other conservation projects.
How will the District look if our staff, Board, and volunteers do their work well?
- More landowners and managers will know about invasive plant species and be diligent about controlling them on their property.
- Horses, cows, goats, sheep and llamas will enjoy lush pastures without polluting our streams and rivers.
- Our streams, rivers and watersheds will be healthier, supporting the return of endangered species.
- Birds and bees will thrive with ample food and shelter, and will co-exist with people
- Rare habitats will be appreciated and restored.
- Private landowners will be thoughtful and knowledgeable stewards of their forests.
- District residents will enthusiastically tackle conservation initiatives and other native planting projects.
- District residents will enjoy more locally-grown food, farmed with methods that contribute to the long-term health of the land.