Board of Directors
Regular Wheeler SWCD Board of Directors Meeting Times Are The Last Wednesday of Each Month, at 6:00 pm.
Typically, there is no board meeting during July.
Our District Annual Meeting is the 2nd Wednesday of December; the location is decided each year. ~~ This year (2015) the District Annual Meeting is at the Spray Grange, at 807 Winlock Street, Spray, OR 97874.
Because of the short time frame between October meeting and Dec Annual Meeting, each year the Directors decide IF there will be a November meeting, and if so, what date it will be held. It MAY be held earlier than the 'last Wednesday'~ but that decision is made at the October Board meeting, and will be posted accordingly.
Regular Board meetings start at 6:00 PM. The Annual Meeting start time is set each year, and is also typically 6:00 pm.
Regular Monthly Meetings are to be held at Big Sarvice Corral Meeting Room, 40280 Highway 19, near Service Creek.